Friday, October 21, 2011

My First Potted Herbs

I plant my first curry leaf in a pot at my balcony. I brought this plant back about 3months ago from my hometown where my mom got the baby plant from my neighbor. I have about 4 baby curry leaf planted but only one survive and I have one that grow on its own but unfortunetly it does not grow. I will water the plant everyday and sometimes I water it with the water from the first rinse of rice water. I also use the water where I cleaned the fish/prawns as someone told me before to use this type of water the plant tends to be more 'healthier' it is so called vitamin for the plants. And yes those water really does the magic!

Two days ago I found a long green kind of insects on the matured curry leaf thought it's just a normal bug but they've attacked my curry leaf today leaving some ugly insects bites hole on the leaf...uurgghhh...I thought the curry leaf will never get attack by insects..So what I did is...I cut away the leaves where the buggie 'land' on it and removed the ugly curry leaf. Will have the picture posted later.

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